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Meeting your needs with trustworthy professionalism.

Specializing in Medicare, Long Term Care, Life Insurance, Disability and Pre-Need.

Roland began his insurance career in 1998. He originally learned the business by working with a captive agency, but over time he became increasingly aware of the restriction of limited insurance products. He was convinced of the broader value he could offer his clients as a broker by providing an overall richer insurance experience.

In April 2013, Roland transitioned in his insurance career and with the help of his wife, Susie, established an independent family insurance business specializing in Medicare, Long Term Care, Life Insurance, Disability Income and Pre-Need Funeral Planning. He approaches the insurance needs of each client individually, and provides a wide variety of highly-rated insurance carrier options while striving to deliver experienced advice and trustworthy customer care.

We’d love to hear from you, please contact us using any of the following methods:

Phone: 509-220-8601